susie bond

Susie Bond – My Story

I’ve been a mix of active person and book worm my whole life! l love to experience many dance and movement related activities such as gymnastics, sailing, beach walks and skiing. I also like to ask about the ‘why’ of things. I understand that it’s frustrating when pains or injuries get in the way of doing what you love. So Activate Physio. Pilates has developed over the last 25 years to offer people healing, practical solutions and hope.

Physiotherapy has been a great ‘fit’ as an active career for me since 1987. Back in the early 90’s I suffered a dance-related foot injury that prevented me from doing many of the activities I love.

During my recovery, I was interested to hear about how Pilates helped dancers overcome injuries, so I joined a Pilates studio in the early 1990’s. I discovered a whole amazing exercise Method! I was able to exercise while I was healing.

I had already been working as a physiotherapist in hospital then private practice, when I decided to train as a Pilates instructor completing a studio apprenticeship in 1996, in addition to Clinical Pilates courses. I came to realise the benefits for all people, not only dancers. I extended my training overseas, when I worked as a physiotherapist and Pilates instructor in London in the late ‘90’s. I have recently added a Diploma of Pilates Movement Therapy to formalise this continuing process. I have been doing a mixture of Physio and Pilates based rehab exercise treatment since!

What drives me most is my passion for helping people and caring for them, so they can live without pain and enjoy their lives.

I love to continuously learn new healing modalities to benefit my clients, including hands on manual therapy, Laser trigger point therapy and therapies based on the latest best practice research.

My greatest gift is helping people heal and showing them how to exercise without causing pain. I see this as a two way process with my clients. A mix of hands on Physio and ‘Movement as Medicine’ is a major part of my physio approach.

I’ve brought together a team of experienced practitioners so we can give our clients holistic solutions. We work with mutual respect for each other’s talents and expertise.

Click here to learn more about how we can support you.