After you have an injury your body may have lost conditioning and strength, making you vulnerable to re-injury.
Exercise rehab is a step-by-step process that helps you regain your strength, mobility and balance.
Here is a summary of an example of our approach:
Align and Activate
Align the body to Safe ‘ Neutral joint alignment to encourage the optimal position to ACTIVATE the muscles to protect and move your body without excessive tension. Can you breath whilst activating these muscles?!
Real Time Ultrasound Biofeedback may be utilised here to let you ‘see’ the muscles work. Then you can be confident the muscles are not being inhibited by pain or stiffness, but free to work naturally to support you.
Start to Move
Add easy movement to challenge the healing area, with support at first if necessary. Supervised exercise one on one with your physio or exercise therapist in the studio and home exercises. Therapeutic Movement phase.
Add Challenges
Start to Increase complexity of the movement for an injured area, so step by step, to grade back to your natural strength and flexibility. Use weights, therabands, Pilates studio equipment, the Garuda apparatus, Balance challenge equipment. Strength phase!
Get Back to Everyday Movement
Make sure you are confident to use the previously injured or painful area in an optimal way during your daily, sports and dance activity. Functional Movement phase.
We offer low impact exercise and graded resistance training, so you can fully heal and then maintain and improve your physical fitness and muscle balance, in a safe, supportive environment.
At Activate our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologist integrate Pilates training principles and exercises into their exercise rehabilitation for specific conditions. Traditional Pilates exercises may often need to be modified to allow for pain free graded injury rehab.
Who can benefit from exercise rehab?
We treat people of all ages and with a wide range of conditions and injuries, including:
Frequently Asked Questions
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